Unable to recognise my Polkadot on-chain identity
I have this account that has been previously verified, and it shows that the account is verified here https://polkadot.polkassembly.io/user/ltfschoen.
I believe my identity on-chain as shown here is compatible with Polkassembly https://polkadot.subscan.io/account/1dsrQjL34njJ4Y8FXGyxeLnmunPZ6XAvid9jSQe9S4pTUh2
I wanted to post in https://polkadot.polkassembly.io/referenda/1024, but it says “Comments have been disabled for non verified users.”.
I tried logging out and logging in again. It still doesn’t recognise my verified identity properly.
If I connect my account to Polkassembly with the latest Polkadot.js Extension, and go to the menu, it shows an alert icon next to the “Set on-chain identity” even though on the Profile page it says i already have my identity set. So if I click “Set on-chain identity” the popup appears and I click the Polkadot.js icon, then another popup appears and I give Polkassembly permission to access the account that i have linked to Polkassembly where I have a verified identity already in the Polkadot Relay Chain.
Note: Previously if I did this and went to the menu “Set on-chain identity”, and select that address, it displayed “Identity is unavailable for Polkadot as People Chain is getting migrated Check here”, and where the “Check here” link was a broken link, but it no longer displays this so it must have been resolved, but now there are other issues.
Then I click “Confirm”, and another window appears with title “On-Chain Identity” that displays the following:
Polkadot offers on-chain identities that verify users's credentials through appointed registrars, instilling greater trust and support.
Once successfully verified, users receive a green checkmark, symbolising their trusted status. This verified status symbol enhances trustworthiness when requesting funds from the treasury or participating in discussions and proposals.Learn more
Note that I have sufficient DOT on both the Polkadot Relay Chain and Polkadot People Chain (since I transferred some DOT to People Chain using Novowallet).
It doesn’t let me choose “Request Judgement”, but it does let me click “Let’s Begin”, which takes me to a page that displays the following:
On-chain identity Verified
Your Address Free Balance:1.69 DOT
Email* [email protected]
Twitter xxx
Bond:0 DOT
0.5129 DOT will be required for this transaction.
Min. Deposit (Refundable) 0 DOT
Gas Fee 0.0129 DOT
Bond 0 DOT
Registrar fees 0.5000 DOT
Total0.5129 DOT
But it doesn’t let me click “Set Identity”
What do I need to do so it recognises my identity and lets me post in that referendum?
Note that if I go to Polkadot.js Apps and connect to “People Chain”, then on the “Accounts” page https://polkadot.js.org/apps/?rpc=wss%3A%2F%2Frpc-people-polkadot.luckyfriday.io#/accounts it shows that I have a recognised on-chain identity with a green tick, and likewise if I switch connection to the “Polkadot Relay Chain” it also shows I have a recognised on-chain identity.
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