
Unable to recognise my Polkadot on-chain identity

I have this account that has been previously verified, and it shows that the account is verified here

I believe my identity on-chain as shown here is compatible with Polkassembly

I wanted to post in, but it says “Comments have been disabled for non verified users.”.

I tried logging out and logging in again. It still doesn’t recognise my verified identity properly.

If I connect my account to Polkassembly with the latest Polkadot.js Extension, and go to the menu, it shows an alert icon next to the “Set on-chain identity” even though on the Profile page it says i already have my identity set. So if I click “Set on-chain identity” the popup appears and I click the Polkadot.js icon, then another popup appears and I give Polkassembly permission to access the account that i have linked to Polkassembly where I have a verified identity already in the Polkadot Relay Chain.

Note: Previously if I did this and went to the menu “Set on-chain identity”, and select that address, it displayed “Identity is unavailable for Polkadot as People Chain is getting migrated Check here”, and where the “Check here” link was a broken link, but it no longer displays this so it must have been resolved, but now there are other issues.

Then I click “Confirm”, and another window appears with title “On-Chain Identity” that displays the following:


  • Polkadot offers on-chain identities that verify users's credentials through appointed registrars, instilling greater trust and support.

  • Once successfully verified, users receive a green checkmark, symbolising their trusted status. This verified status symbol enhances trustworthiness when requesting funds from the treasury or participating in discussions and proposals.Learn more

Total Amount Required 0.7001 DOT
Bond0 DOT per social field
Min Deposit 0.2001 DOT
Registrar fees 0.5000 DOT


Note that I have sufficient DOT on both the Polkadot Relay Chain and Polkadot People Chain (since I transferred some DOT to People Chain using Novowallet).

It doesn’t let me choose “Request Judgement”, but it does let me click “Let’s Begin”, which takes me to a page that displays the following:


On-chain identity Verified

People Chain is now LIVE for Polkadot network
Congratulations, you have been successfully verified by polkassembly!

Your Address Free Balance:1.69 DOT

Display Name * ltfschoen
Legal Name Luke Thomas Friedrich Schoen


Email* [email protected]

Twitter xxx

Bond:0 DOT

0.5129 DOT will be required for this transaction.

Min. Deposit (Refundable) 0 DOT

Gas Fee 0.0129 DOT

Bond 0 DOT

Registrar fees 0.5000 DOT

Total0.5129 DOT


But it doesn’t let me click “Set Identity”

What do I need to do so it recognises my identity and lets me post in that referendum?

Note that if I go to Polkadot.js Apps and connect to “People Chain”, then on the “Accounts” page it shows that I have a recognised on-chain identity with a green tick, and likewise if I switch connection to the “Polkadot Relay Chain” it also shows I have a recognised on-chain identity.